Italy – Suggestions for Dissemination




“Danilo Dolci”
Via Fichidindia, s.n.c. – 90124 Palermo tel. 0916307454 fax 0916300170
web: – e-mail:
C.F. 97163270826 – PAPM07000P – Ambito. N°17


✔ Increase the number of teachers who use/try e-twinning activities
✔ involve the largest number of students (and the classes they belong to) in the activities
✔ involve several classes in the projects with different tasks
✔ Communicate the activities carried out during the project to the C.d.C of the classes involved
✔ Submit the Project DARE to the teachers’ Meeting (Collegio docenti) to foster the knowledge about the project and motivate some more other teachers to cooperate
✔ Exchange of good practices among Schools
✔ Final Seminar to show to the major number of participants the activities and results of the ( during the visit to Bulgaria)
✔ Seminar inviting the several partners we have been working for years: ( Social Associations of the territory:
La Rosa Gialla ( it welcomes young people who live in this particular area to prevent drop-out supporting them with motivation and study aid)- it also welcomes and works with students with disabilities
U,D.I: Italian Union of women . Gender Studies, great and historical Library collecting women works, books.
Le Onde Onlus : an association which gives psycological and legal support and concrete help to abused women
La Sartoria Sociale: An association which teaches to the women of this area a job to emancipate from their family or difficult relationship in order to become more independent
Associazione Falcone : about legality projects (parlare con Gigi) —- (during the partners’ visit to Italy)
✔ Creation of a video with all activities and materials to publish in our web-site, to be shown to the school classes and in a seminar.
✔ video conference with the schools and students partners- Skype
✔ Motivate the students to keep in touch with other students partners (using chat, Skype, etc)