C4 Palanga May 2019

C4 – Palanga, Lithuania, May 20-24, 2019

Guided tour around Palanga

Erasmus+ DARE project meeting C4 in Palanga Senoji Gimnazija, Lithuania. May 20, 2019 guided tour around Palanga with Ilona Pociuvienė, Aušrinė Plonytė, Urtė Arlauskaitė,...

Tour around Palanga Senoji Gimnazija with Emilija Liutikaitė and Gintarė Jasiūnaitė

Erasmus+ DARE project meeting C4 in Palanga Senoji Gimnazija, Lithuania. May 20, 2019 tour around the school with the guides Emilija Liutikaitė and Gintarė...

Young Political Parties EU – group work

Erasmus+ DARE project meeting C4 in Palanga Senoji Gimnazija, Lithuania. May 20, 2019 Young Political Parties EU - group work. Photos by Deividas Kryževičius.

Presenting the teams at the C4 meeting in Palanga Senoji Gimnazija

Erasmus+ DARE project meeting C4 in Palanga Senoji Gimnazija, Lithuania. May 20, 2019 presenting the teams. Photos by Deividas Kryževičius.  

Opening ceremony of the C4 meeting in Palanga Senoji Gimnazija

Erasmus+ DARE project meeting C4 in Palanga Senoji Gimnazija, Lithuania 20-24 May, 2019. Opening ceremony with the headmadster Leonas Sidlauskas, performers Dominykas Cepys, Justė...

The most interesting place in Vilnius – Literatu Street

The most interesting place in Vilnius- Literatu Street- artworks are mounted on the walls of this street celebrating Lithuanian artists and those important to...

Last day in Vilnius

Last day in Vilnius: visiting the old town, lunch in Belmontas ( a beautiful park outside the city), the Hill of Three Crosses...

Last evening in Palanga

Last evening in Palanga. Thanks dear hosts for this entertaining and educational "Democracy and Friendship evening". Folk music by a local group and tasting...

Creative workshop on Democracy and Art – DAREbyART

Creative workshop on Democracy and Art - DAREbyART. Exhibition "My dream of Democratic School.